Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Some beautiful photos of Edinburgh from this site. Enjoy, my friends.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

28 August 2012, Tuesday, 5:53 PM

No school tomorrow. It's not yet six but the skies are already grey. My eyes are drooping because I've had five hours of sleep the past two days.

I think I'll grab a bite and go out for a walk with the dog. Then dinner and a bath, completing a letter to a penpal and finally a movie (The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo, probably) if I can stay awake.

Hope it doesn't rain while I'm out.

-EDIT- Decided not to watch Dragon Tattoo after reading descriptions of the violent scenes... I need to be able to sleep tonight!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

one day

Sometimes I wonder if one day I'll be giving some sort of interview and say something like this-
"You know what, I never thought I'd be anything much at all. I was just a kid who never seemed to try hard enough or be good enough in anything. I liked reading, I liked some TV shows, some bands, but never really dared to show my passion to the world. I saw others around me, on TV, in books, and I wanted to be like them. I made dreams, fantasies, of the sort of person I wanted to be. I got decent grades, but never any really good ones, and I constantly feared that I would be resigned to a life of drudgery and mediocrity. Until I was 18, I never felt like I would go anywhere in life. I've dreamed of the things that I've accomplished, but never expected them to really happen. It just goes to show that you can never tell, and your wildest dreams might just come true."
 And now I really do wish that I can say this something like this sometime later in my life, to defy all the expectations I have of myself and live my dreams. Yet it seems so unlikely...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's not what I had planned

I really felt the urge to blog, but now I find myself struggling to express myself lucidly. I fumble for words to describe myself, but nothing ever comes out quite right. Sometimes I feel ashamed to call myself an A-level English Literature student.

70 odd days left to my A-levels, and I honestly do hope to do well, not for my parents but for myself. Would love to have the opportunity to study overseas, preferably in the UK, but finances and family are an issue.

Welcome to my new blog, if anyone is reading this. I hope you stay with me on this journey, if only for a while.

Some goals, for now-
1. Do well enough in the October A-level exams to get into local uni
2. Blog regularly
3. Catch up on all my reading after the A-levels